
It wasn't a definitive choice to remove myself from social media. It happened one post at a time, followed by the question; Why? Why am I posting this picture?Why am I publishing this status? Why. And when I looked within myself, the answers to those questions weren't ones I liked. Why was I posting a … Continue reading Why?

What If

Anxiety is devious. You know it's there. How can you not? A general overall feeling in the pit of your stomach like a tangled ball of yarn that can't be unravelled. Imagining friends are mad at you, worried you will say the wrong thing, or the only reason your boss is currently calling is to … Continue reading What If

How To Get Your Teens To Talk To You: No, It’s Not Impossible

“Listen earnestly to anything your children want to tell you, no matter what. If you don’t listen eagerly to the little stuff when they are little, they won’t tell you the big stuff when they are big, because to them all of it has always been big stuff.” ~ Catherine M. Wallace Remember when your … Continue reading How To Get Your Teens To Talk To You: No, It’s Not Impossible

Day Two: My Kids Open Packages With a Weed Wacker, Apparently

I thought maybe rabid honey badgers had been let into my house to open packages/food, but no, just my kids. Hasn't anyone done a YouTube tutorial showing you can open a cereal box without tearing it to shreds? So far online all the updates have been Rudolph to the extreme, shiny and bright. Playing board … Continue reading Day Two: My Kids Open Packages With a Weed Wacker, Apparently